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Why won't put normal and hard difficulty as a setting in-game?

Too much work due to engine limitations.


Included Perdition Sphere as part of a compilation on Bullet Hell Jam 2023 @ 46:53

Retrospectively I probably should have jumped in with the Hard variation.

Thank you for playing! Don't worry about the difficulty, the only difference is HP at the moment. And your vid was a fun watch, the snarky commentary was refreshingly on point ^^ the "argh I need to scratch my nose pls dont kill me" resonated especially strongly


Hi, that game is really nice, interesting patterns, and so nice work on the music and sounds. Well done ! 

Thank you so much for playing and for the kind words! ^^



We played this along Project V1 on twitch, and we really enjoyed this Perdition Sphere. It is very atmospheric and everybody praised the music.

Thank you so much! I don't understand Spanish so well but will make sure to watch the vod ^^ glad you guys liked it!


Love it, the fantastic eerie atmosphere combined with the gorgeous music, great bullet patterns, super cool stuff!  


Thank you so much for playing! ^^